holistic development

Chhatrapati Shivaji Jayanti (19 February)

holistic learning

Plan Details

We have brought a 20 – 25 minute assembly plan based on Shivaji Jayanti, which is celebrated to commemorate the birth anniversary of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj on February 19. 

The Maratha empire’s foundation was laid by a brave warrior like Shivaji, continued to spread from Karnataka to Pakistan by the powerful Maratha rulers who ruled after Shivaji’s death.

Shivaji was the first person in India to pioneer the use of guerilla war technique, network of forts and building a navy in India. He began with four forts and 2000 soldiers and by the time he died he had 300 forts and 1,00,000 soldiers.

Through ‘In the Outdoors – Dedicated to Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj’ activity, the students would have a deep insight in his unique qualities such as secularism, respect for women, bravery, tolerance, intelligence and zeal to fight injustice.

This plan can be used by schools of any country. The schools can conduct it for a grade or few grades from Class 1 to 10.

The plan has a main manual illustrating the flow of the event along with the description of the scripts/ performances/ activities in detail and also includes all the necessary resources for the assembly. Activities involving videos, PPTs are not taken for this assembly as a projector facility may not be available in many school grounds.

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